Balance Transfer Tricks For All Mobile Networks in India

Airtel Balance Transfer :
To Transfer Balance In Airtel Just Dial *141# And Follow The Onscreen
You Can Transfer From 5 To 30 Rupees Of Balance In Airtel.

Tata Docomo Balance Transfer  :
To Transfer Balance In Tata Docomo SMS as BT MobileNumber Amount And Send It
To 54321.
E.g. BT 9876543210 30 To Transfer 30 Rupees Of Balance.

Idea Balance Transfer :
To Transfer Balance In !dea Network Send SMS as GIVE MobileNumber Amount And
Send It To 55567.
E.g. GIVE 9876543210 30 To Transfer 30 Rupees.

Vodafone Balance Transfer  :
To Transfer Balance In Vodafone Dial *131*Amount*Mobile No#
E.g. *131*50*9876543210# To Transfer 50 Rupees Of Balance.

Uninor Balance Transfer :
To Transfer Balance In Uninor Just Dial *202*MobileNumber*Amount#
E.g. *202*9876543210*30# To Transfer 30 Rupees.

Aircel Balance Transfer :
To Transfer Balance In Aircel Just Dial *122*666# And Follow The Instructions.
You Can Transfer 10,20 Or 100 Rupees Of Balance.

BSNL Balance Transfer  :
To Transfer Balance In BSNL Just Send SMS GIFT MobileNumber Amount To 53733.
E.g. GIFT 9876543210 50 To Transfer 50 Rupees Of Balance.

c++ for windows 32&64 bit (full screen)

We can use DosBox to run TC on Win vista and 7. But it is not fully supportable. We could not run graphic code and also it won’t work with 64 bit os. So we cannot able to work tc in newer operating systems. So here is solution for that, with the help of Emulated Turbo C++ IDE 3.0 software. Now we can work on Turbo C fine in win vista and 7 64 bit. Emulated Turbo C++ IDE 3.0 design in a way that we don’t need to configure anything and it is one click installer 

Developer of this software Mr. Mohit Saxena interacted with MyCFiles:
This software is designed to create an 16Bit environment on a 32 Or 64Bit machine. As 16 Bit environment is created, it allows to use any application designed for the architecture. Emulator has been designed especially for turbo c++ and thus ensures its smooth functioning.
Support for any other application is not guaranteed. Apart from that usage on newer processor as i3 and is successor is known to produce some bugs. I am working for newer version that will support these processors

step 1: install  c++ compiler
 step2 :
 download    Emulated Turbo C++ IDE 3.0
Installation of this software is easy just follow the instructions. It’s like next-next-finish.
Now open the Emulated Turbo C++ from desktop shortcut. Enjoy

Facebook and Twitter Abbreviations

List of Facebook Abbreviations & there Meanings:

 1.  Fb : Facebook
  2. LMK : Let me know
  3. POS: Parents Over shoulder
  4. BRB : Be right back
  5. LOL: Laugh out loud
  6. LMAO: Laugh my Ass off
  7. SD : Sweet dreams
  8. Gn : Good night
  9. WTH : What the hell
 10. SOS: Someone on Shoulder
 11. TTYL : Talk to you later
 12. N : And
 13. BFF : Best female Friend/ Best Friends forever
 14. kk : ok
 15. Kl : Cool
 16. BMT : Before my time
 17. w8 : Wait
 18. OMG: OH my god!
 19. ASAIC: As soon as I can
 20. Ty/Tu: Thank you
 21. JFY: Just for you
 22. BBT : Be Back tomorrow
 23. BF: Boy Friend
 24. GF: Girlfriend
 25. ASAP: As soon as possible
 26. 1NAM : One in a million
 27. ROFL: Rolling on Floor laughing
 28. B4N : Bye for now.
 29. 143: I love you
 30. 1432: I love you too
 31. 2moro: Tomorrow
 32. 2N8 : Tonight
 33. 404 : No clue
 34. 4Eva: Forever
 35. BOT: Back on Topic
 36. HAND: Have a nice day!
 37. HF: Have Fun
 38. PM: Private Message
 39. BTW: By the way
 40. B/w:Between
 41. Zzz: Sleeping
 42. PMSL: Pissing myself laughing.
 43. WU? : What’s up?
 44. TIA: Thanks in advance
 45. Abt. : About
 46. YSIC: Why should I care
 47. Y : Why or Yes
 48. Wru: Where are you?
 49. WOA: Work of Art
 50. TM : Trust me
