List of Facebook Abbreviations & there Meanings:
1. Fb : Facebook
2. LMK : Let me know
3. POS: Parents Over shoulder
4. BRB : Be right back
5. LOL: Laugh out loud
6. LMAO: Laugh my Ass off
7. SD : Sweet dreams
8. Gn : Good night
9. WTH : What the hell
10. SOS: Someone on Shoulder
11. TTYL : Talk to you later
12. N : And
13. BFF : Best female Friend/ Best Friends forever
14. kk : ok
15. Kl : Cool
16. BMT : Before my time
17. w8 : Wait
18. OMG: OH my god!
19. ASAIC: As soon as I can
20. Ty/Tu: Thank you
21. JFY: Just for you
22. BBT : Be Back tomorrow
23. BF: Boy Friend
24. GF: Girlfriend
25. ASAP: As soon as possible
26. 1NAM : One in a million
27. ROFL: Rolling on Floor laughing
28. B4N : Bye for now.
29. 143: I love you
30. 1432: I love you too
31. 2moro: Tomorrow
32. 2N8 : Tonight
33. 404 : No clue
34. 4Eva: Forever
35. BOT: Back on Topic
36. HAND: Have a nice day!
37. HF: Have Fun
38. PM: Private Message
39. BTW: By the way
40. B/w:Between
41. Zzz: Sleeping
42. PMSL: Pissing myself laughing.
43. WU? : What’s up?
44. TIA: Thanks in advance
45. Abt. : About
46. YSIC: Why should I care
47. Y : Why or Yes
48. Wru: Where are you?
49. WOA: Work of Art
50. TM : Trust me
1. Fb : Facebook
2. LMK : Let me know
3. POS: Parents Over shoulder
4. BRB : Be right back
5. LOL: Laugh out loud
6. LMAO: Laugh my Ass off
7. SD : Sweet dreams
8. Gn : Good night
9. WTH : What the hell
10. SOS: Someone on Shoulder
11. TTYL : Talk to you later
12. N : And
13. BFF : Best female Friend/ Best Friends forever
14. kk : ok
15. Kl : Cool
16. BMT : Before my time
17. w8 : Wait
18. OMG: OH my god!
19. ASAIC: As soon as I can
20. Ty/Tu: Thank you
21. JFY: Just for you
22. BBT : Be Back tomorrow
23. BF: Boy Friend
24. GF: Girlfriend
25. ASAP: As soon as possible
26. 1NAM : One in a million
27. ROFL: Rolling on Floor laughing
28. B4N : Bye for now.
29. 143: I love you
30. 1432: I love you too
31. 2moro: Tomorrow
32. 2N8 : Tonight
33. 404 : No clue
34. 4Eva: Forever
35. BOT: Back on Topic
36. HAND: Have a nice day!
37. HF: Have Fun
38. PM: Private Message
39. BTW: By the way
40. B/w:Between
41. Zzz: Sleeping
42. PMSL: Pissing myself laughing.
43. WU? : What’s up?
44. TIA: Thanks in advance
45. Abt. : About
46. YSIC: Why should I care
47. Y : Why or Yes
48. Wru: Where are you?
49. WOA: Work of Art
50. TM : Trust me